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Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
How it works
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) surveys ask a customer or end-user how satisfied they are with a recent interaction, e.g. a purchase or a customer service chat, on a rating scale of 1-3, 1-5, 1-7 or 1-10. CSAT is a very flexible survey format.
It is common to ask multiple questions in the CSAT format to create a longer survey (and then average those responses for a composite CSAT score), but it is recommended to keep it simple. An open-ended follow up question allows your customers and end-users to tell you what attributes of satisfaction are working—or not working—for them.
A CSAT score is the sum of all positive responses, divided by the total responses collected, then multiplied by 100. The outcome leaves you with the overall percentage of satisfied customers at your business.
The point of contact when implementing CES in Visma is the Product Analytics Hub and the recommended tool is InMoment.
Ultimately, the choice of design tool depends on the specific needs of the designer and the project at hand. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and designers must consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and collaboration features when selecting the best tool for their needs.
Follow this day-by-day exercise schedule for a meaningful and efficient Design Sprint.
Tool recommendations
Below you will find some tool recommendations, but please note that you are free to choose whatever tool you prefer. For some tools we have group wide licenses, in which case access can be requested via Remember that you always need cost approval from your immediate manager.