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Design studio

A Design Studio is a collaborative brainstorming method used to generate as many ideas and/or solutions to a problem as possible in a short period of time.
Design studio
Illustration that represents a light bulb
1. Understand
On the first we stay in the problem space, challenging our understanding of the problem.This is some text inside of a div block.
Illustration that represents some working tools
2. Ideate
On the second day we gather inspiration, ideate and sketch solutions together.
Illustration that represents a futuristic mobile interface
3. Prototype
On the third day we turn the most voted sketches into a prototype and prepare to meet the users.
Illustration that represents some bubble talks
4. Test
On the fourth and final day we test the prototype with users and round off the sprint together.

How it works

A Design Studio is a collaborative brainstorming method used to generate as many ideas and/or solutions to a problem as possible in a short period of time.

A Design Studio is a collaborative brainstorming method used to generate as many ideas and/or solutions to a problem as possible in a short period of time. It incorporates sketching, critiquing and prioritising ideas with the goal of reaching a direction and consensus on design, whether that is a user interface, a workflow or a process.

To get the most out of a Design Studio it is best to run it with a diverse group of people with different backgrounds, as this allows you to incorporate many perspectives into the ideas, making them more feasible. However, the biggest benefit of running a Design Studio is that it brings your team together and creates a shared understanding and engagement around new design, which in turn tends to speed up both design and development.

Infinity symbol icon
Clock icon
1 – 2 hours
Users icon
Facilitator, Product Owner, Business Analyst, UX Designer, Developer, Quality assurer

1. Align on the problem you wish to solve and make sure you formulate a clear challenge statement, e.g. “How might we help user group X complete task X in an easy and efficient way to reach desired outcome X?”

2. Decide who should participate. We recommend inviting a diverse group of maximum of 7 people, preferably people who will continue to work on the solution after the Design Studio.

3. Pick a strong facilitator who can moderate discussions, move the group forward and keep track of time (and sticking to it!).

The facilitator is welcome to participate in the different activities as long as they can manage to stay objective.

4. Send out an agenda a few days before the Design Studio. The agenda should outline the Design Studio and include the challenge statement and any preparations the participants need to do.

For instance, if you are running the Design Studio online, give the participants access to your Mural board and give them tips on ways to sketch, e.g. using pen and paper or a prototyping tool they feel comfortable with.


5. Give clear instructions. Before starting each activity (listed below), give clear instructions on what the participants are expected to do and how much time they have to do it, e.g. “Sketch as many ideas as possible in 3 minutes. If you get stuck, create another version of an idea.”

6. Sketch. Challenge each participant to create 4-8 sketches (or as many as they can) in the given time. Ask them to add notes to them to distinguish the sketches. This will help during the voting and documentation.

7. Pitch. Put all sketches on a wall or table so that everyone can see them. Each participant gets 1-2 minutes to pitch all of their ideas. No-one is allowed to interrupt while someone else is pitching.

To make it easy for everyone to understand your idea when you pitch is to clearly state who your design is for and what scenario they are in.

Be objective and focus on facts in your pitch. Always avoid subjective feelings, e.g. “I like this idea because..”.

8. Critique and vote on the ideas using the green and pink sticky notes. Add short comments (again, avoid subjective feelings) to the sticky notes to clearly state why you voted the way you did.

The green sticky notes are used to mark concepts that have potential and that will be moved into the next sketching round. The pink sticky notes are used to mark concepts that have room for improvement and that you will not move forward with in the next round.

9. Summarise the round. After each round, it is important that the facilitator makes a verbal summary of what you have discussed and settled on so that everyone is aligned before the next round.

10. Repeat! Depending on the size and complexity of the challenge in your challenge statement, we recommend doing 2-3 rounds to reach ideas that can be turned into prototypes and tested with customers and end-users.

11. Use a parking lot. When we get off topic or think of ideas that are outside of the scope, note them down on sticky notes and put them in a dedicated area of the whiteboard or wall marked as the “parking lot”. This allows the team to focus on the challenge at hand and pick up other ideas later.

12. Keep track of time. It’s easy to go into lengthy discussions. The facilitator needs to be quite harsh regarding time. Some discussion is needed, but help the team move forward. “Interesting discussion guys! However, due to our limited time we need to move on. Please add this to the parking lot.”


13. Collect the ideas. At the end of the session, gather all the sketches and make sure the sticky notes stay on the right sketch.

14. Create prototype(s). Based on the input you have gotten during the Design Studio, create one or several prototypes that can be tested with customers and/or end-users. This can be done in e.g. Balsamiq or Figma.

  • Encourage stealing! Instead of getting stuck – build on each other's ideas. You all want to reach the same goal.
  • Try not to introduce new concepts after the second sketching round. This enables the team to get a sense of direction and will get you closer to a concept that can be turned into a prototype.
  • In discussions and critique, try not to shoot anyone down. Try to build on the ideas and explore together. “Yes, and..” instead of “But that would never work.”
  • It is more than possible to run a Design Studio remotely! Use Mural with the Design Studio template.
  • Plan for some extra time in each step as discussions take longer online and you need space to e.g. upload pictures etc.
  • Ask participants to either use pen and paper or a prototyping tool they are comfortable with. It is also possible to make wireframes using the shapes in e.g. Mural or Google Slides.
Learn more
This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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No items found.

1. Align on the problem you wish to solve and make sure you formulate a clear challenge statement, e.g. “How might we help user group X complete task X in an easy and efficient way to reach desired outcome X?”

2. Decide who should participate. We recommend inviting a diverse group of maximum of 7 people, preferably people who will continue to work on the solution after the Design Studio.

3. Pick a strong facilitator who can moderate discussions, move the group forward and keep track of time (and sticking to it!).

The facilitator is welcome to participate in the different activities as long as they can manage to stay objective.

4. Send out an agenda a few days before the Design Studio. The agenda should outline the Design Studio and include the challenge statement and any preparations the participants need to do.

For instance, if you are running the Design Studio online, give the participants access to your Mural board and give them tips on ways to sketch, e.g. using pen and paper or a prototyping tool they feel comfortable with.


5. Give clear instructions. Before starting each activity (listed below), give clear instructions on what the participants are expected to do and how much time they have to do it, e.g. “Sketch as many ideas as possible in 3 minutes. If you get stuck, create another version of an idea.”

6. Sketch. Challenge each participant to create 4-8 sketches (or as many as they can) in the given time. Ask them to add notes to them to distinguish the sketches. This will help during the voting and documentation.

7. Pitch. Put all sketches on a wall or table so that everyone can see them. Each participant gets 1-2 minutes to pitch all of their ideas. No-one is allowed to interrupt while someone else is pitching.

To make it easy for everyone to understand your idea when you pitch is to clearly state who your design is for and what scenario they are in.

Be objective and focus on facts in your pitch. Always avoid subjective feelings, e.g. “I like this idea because..”.

8. Critique and vote on the ideas using the green and pink sticky notes. Add short comments (again, avoid subjective feelings) to the sticky notes to clearly state why you voted the way you did.

The green sticky notes are used to mark concepts that have potential and that will be moved into the next sketching round. The pink sticky notes are used to mark concepts that have room for improvement and that you will not move forward with in the next round.

9. Summarise the round. After each round, it is important that the facilitator makes a verbal summary of what you have discussed and settled on so that everyone is aligned before the next round.

10. Repeat! Depending on the size and complexity of the challenge in your challenge statement, we recommend doing 2-3 rounds to reach ideas that can be turned into prototypes and tested with customers and end-users.

11. Use a parking lot. When we get off topic or think of ideas that are outside of the scope, note them down on sticky notes and put them in a dedicated area of the whiteboard or wall marked as the “parking lot”. This allows the team to focus on the challenge at hand and pick up other ideas later.

12. Keep track of time. It’s easy to go into lengthy discussions. The facilitator needs to be quite harsh regarding time. Some discussion is needed, but help the team move forward. “Interesting discussion guys! However, due to our limited time we need to move on. Please add this to the parking lot.”


13. Collect the ideas. At the end of the session, gather all the sketches and make sure the sticky notes stay on the right sketch.

14. Create prototype(s). Based on the input you have gotten during the Design Studio, create one or several prototypes that can be tested with customers and/or end-users. This can be done in e.g. Balsamiq or Figma.

  • Encourage stealing! Instead of getting stuck – build on each other's ideas. You all want to reach the same goal.
  • Try not to introduce new concepts after the second sketching round. This enables the team to get a sense of direction and will get you closer to a concept that can be turned into a prototype.
  • In discussions and critique, try not to shoot anyone down. Try to build on the ideas and explore together. “Yes, and..” instead of “But that would never work.”
  • It is more than possible to run a Design Studio remotely! Use Mural with the Design Studio template.
  • Plan for some extra time in each step as discussions take longer online and you need space to e.g. upload pictures etc.
  • Ask participants to either use pen and paper or a prototyping tool they are comfortable with. It is also possible to make wireframes using the shapes in e.g. Mural or Google Slides.
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Ultimately, the choice of design tool depends on the specific needs of the designer and the project at hand. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and designers must consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and collaboration features when selecting the best tool for their needs.

Mural Board
Design Sprint 2.0 board

Follow this day-by-day exercise schedule for a meaningful and efficient Design Sprint.

Tool recommendations

Below you will find some tool recommendations, but please note that you are free to choose whatever tool you prefer. For some tools we have group wide licenses, in which case access can be requested via Remember that you always need cost approval from your immediate manager.

Mural offers both a shared workspace and training, a practical way to collaborate that anyone can learn and apply.
An online collaborative whiteboard for teams.
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