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Usability testing

Usability testing is the quickest and easiest way to validate ideas with customers and end-users, measuring the usability of a prototype or product.
Usability testing
Illustration that represents a light bulb
1. Understand
On the first we stay in the problem space, challenging our understanding of the problem.This is some text inside of a div block.
Illustration that represents some working tools
2. Ideate
On the second day we gather inspiration, ideate and sketch solutions together.
Illustration that represents a futuristic mobile interface
3. Prototype
On the third day we turn the most voted sketches into a prototype and prepare to meet the users.
Illustration that represents some bubble talks
4. Test
On the fourth and final day we test the prototype with users and round off the sprint together.

How it works

Usability testing is the quickest and easiest way to validate ideas with customers and end-users, measuring the usability of a prototype or product.

Usability testing is the quickest and easiest way to validate ideas with customers and end-users, measuring the usability of a prototype or product.

During a usability test, test users perform a series of prepared tasks using a prototype or product, while letting the product team know what they are thinking, expecting and doing. The team notes down what works well and what needs to be improved, so that they can align and prioritise improvements later.

Tests can be done on-site or online, moderated or unmoderated. 

Infinity symbol icon
Clock icon
45 - 55 minutes
Users icon
Product Owner, Business Analyst, UX Designer, Developer, Quality assurer

1. Recruit your test users early. It might take 2-3 weeks to make schedules work with your test users. You only need around 5-8 test users in each testing round to find ~75-85% of the usability issues.

2. Involve your team. When you run usability tests, try to include more than one team member but no more than three. Running it alone can make it challenging to take notes, while inviting the entire team can be intimidating to the user. Regardless of how many you are, ask for consent in compliance with GDPR to record the usability test so that all team members can watch the interview.

3. Create a test script. The test script should include 1-3 scenarios with clear tasks to be given to the user during the test. If there is a need for specific input data, e.g. names or numbers, make sure that this is noted down in the test script.

4. Assign roles. One person gives the user scenarios, asks the questions and does the talking, one person takes notes and one can make sure the recording works. The test lead can take breaks between topics and ask other members if they have something they want to ask.


5. Introduce the test setup. Start by making sure that the test person feels comfortable and understands that you are not there to test them but the prototype or product.

Instruct the test person to think aloud to let you know what they are thinking, expecting and doing.

6. Give the user tasks. Give the user one scenario and task at a time, and information as they need it. 1-3 scenarios and tasks are typically what you will have time for during a test. Prioritise the most important task first and don’t rush the user if you notice that they won’t be able to finish all tasks. It’s better to get reliable results from 2 tasks than rushed results from 3 tasks.

7. Observe. Don’t immediately rush in to “save” the user if they are struggling. You want to observe where they have difficulties and why, and if they are able to overcome the situation by themselves. If they get really stuck, suggest how they can get to the next step.

8. Show gratitude. Make sure to thank the user for their time and ask them if they would be open to participate in tests in the future.


9. Have a short recap. Go through the notes and observations with your team right away. This is important, as we tend to forget details quickly. Ask team members to note down their top 5 findings and group them together, running a thematic analysis.

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This is some text inside of a div block.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

No items found.
No items found.

1. Recruit your test users early. It might take 2-3 weeks to make schedules work with your test users. You only need around 5-8 test users in each testing round to find ~75-85% of the usability issues.

2. Involve your team. When you run usability tests, try to include more than one team member but no more than three. Running it alone can make it challenging to take notes, while inviting the entire team can be intimidating to the user. Regardless of how many you are, ask for consent in compliance with GDPR to record the usability test so that all team members can watch the interview.

3. Create a test script. The test script should include 1-3 scenarios with clear tasks to be given to the user during the test. If there is a need for specific input data, e.g. names or numbers, make sure that this is noted down in the test script.

4. Assign roles. One person gives the user scenarios, asks the questions and does the talking, one person takes notes and one can make sure the recording works. The test lead can take breaks between topics and ask other members if they have something they want to ask.


5. Introduce the test setup. Start by making sure that the test person feels comfortable and understands that you are not there to test them but the prototype or product.

Instruct the test person to think aloud to let you know what they are thinking, expecting and doing.

6. Give the user tasks. Give the user one scenario and task at a time, and information as they need it. 1-3 scenarios and tasks are typically what you will have time for during a test. Prioritise the most important task first and don’t rush the user if you notice that they won’t be able to finish all tasks. It’s better to get reliable results from 2 tasks than rushed results from 3 tasks.

7. Observe. Don’t immediately rush in to “save” the user if they are struggling. You want to observe where they have difficulties and why, and if they are able to overcome the situation by themselves. If they get really stuck, suggest how they can get to the next step.

8. Show gratitude. Make sure to thank the user for their time and ask them if they would be open to participate in tests in the future.


9. Have a short recap. Go through the notes and observations with your team right away. This is important, as we tend to forget details quickly. Ask team members to note down their top 5 findings and group them together, running a thematic analysis.

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Ultimately, the choice of design tool depends on the specific needs of the designer and the project at hand. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and designers must consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and collaboration features when selecting the best tool for their needs.

Mural Board
Design Sprint 2.0 board

Follow this day-by-day exercise schedule for a meaningful and efficient Design Sprint.

Tool recommendations

Below you will find some tool recommendations, but please note that you are free to choose whatever tool you prefer. For some tools we have group wide licenses, in which case access can be requested via Remember that you always need cost approval from your immediate manager.

Google Meet
Google Meet
Real-time meetings using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
Google Meet
Maze powers your product research workflow with continuous user insights, fueling better product decision-making and business growth.
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